Bird Table

Birds can represent many things including freedom, movement and flight, discovery, adventure, and mobility. Birds are also associated with dreams. They represent the ability to set oneself in motion to achieve one's goals and surpass one's limits.

People who want to bring more success and prosperity into their lives should consider the symbol of birds.

If so, why not transform it with an art print of a flying bird or a family of birds perched on a tree branch?

This wall decoration represents a majestic bird, and you can use it to illustrate all the important values ​​in your life: freedom, discovery, dreaming, achieving your goals, and more!

Bird Painting: A decorative painting that makes you feel free.

Bird paintings are a great choice for home decor as they are one of the most inspiring and beautiful animals.

Birds live in large families and are part of a larger community. However, the lifestyle of birds depends on the specific species.

Did you know that ducks, swans and other waterfowl spend their days swimming in the lake while they sleep? Lovebirds, such as the colorful parrots found in Africa, are able to live alone, contrary to their name. Did you know that some species of birds, mainly parrots, can dance to music and communicate with a human?

Birds are remarkable animals with many unusual talents and abilities. Birds are known for the beauty of their plumage, worthy of an expressionist painting or a pop art photo. You will be impressed by the feathers of flamingos, cockatoos and pelicans.

You have found the right collection of art paintings if you are looking for an original and vibrant art painting, full of life and nature, to give a boost to your interior decoration.

How to choose your bird canvas?

It is not easy to choose a canvas that represents one or more birds. The style and the final result will be determined by the bird you choose to represent on your painting.

If you choose a bird painting of a pair of peacocks or parrots, it is unlikely that your canvas will be plain black and white. This painting, hung in any room of your home, will instantly add color and happiness to your walls.

If your interior design is minimalist and sober, you can brighten up the wall with a large colorful canvas. Interior design experts recommend hanging only large XXL paintings, triptych paintings or art canvases containing five paintings on the same wall. Bird paintings are rich in textures, patterns, colors and details. They should be given the space they deserve.

Like any other type of painting, it's best to choose your bird painting based on your existing decor and follow your intuition.

It is important to choose the right style of painting. The decorative effect you get will be different if you choose a watercolor effect painting or a photo printed on canvas.

You can choose the bird painting that best suits your taste.

Bird Painting: Where to Hang It

Look at our collection to see that this type of canvas can be hung anywhere in the home.A triptych of five bird paintings or an XXL canvas will look great above your living room or reception table. It is best to choose a brightly colored canvas in this case to energize your living room and create positive energy throughout the room.

A colorful bird painting can be hung in your bedroom if you want to feel instantly happy when you wake up.

If you don't want to decorate your bedroom walls but still want to give your day a boost, hang a picture of a bird (or several) in the first room you enter in the morning (like your bathroom or kitchen).

What could be more relaxing than brushing your teeth in front of a colorful parrot photo or having breakfast under the watchful eye of a family of birds on a branch?

If you want to please your child, decorate his room with a colorful painting that pays homage to nature and animals. Don't hesitate to use a bird painting! You never know, your child might discover that he is an adventurer, an explorer or a dornithologist by simply looking at the picture of the bird before going to bed.

What type of bird painting is best suited for what type of interior decoration?

If you like bird paintings that have the illusion of fine art or images rich in detail that inspire reflection and inner questioning, interior design experts recommend looking for a large-scale photo of a realistic parrot, or if you're looking for a macro shot, you'll be able to see the details, patterns, and textures of the bird's plumage and focus your attention on your bird photo for a few seconds.

If you're looking for a canvas print that will enhance your home decor, look for one that looks like it came straight out of a wildlife documentary. No matter how they were taken, bird photos are always stunning and can be used to decorate any room in your home.

If you prefer pop art, modern painting and art paintings, but your interior decoration is more oriented towards design and art painting, then a mosaic or pop effect bird painting is the best choice. This will allow you to create a unique and unusual decoration while paying tribute to one of the most beautiful animals in the world.