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Street Art : let’s take stock!

For a few years now, street art has been gaining in familiarity. It is an artistic movement that is spreading more and more in the different media and social networks. Also known as "Urban Art", it has been developing since the 2000s and is currently affecting the entire planet. Do you want to know more about this artistic movement? From graffiti, murals, stencils, collages, to modern and contemporary multi-colored or black and white canvases and paintings, we take stock in this article.

What is Street Art?

Urban art, or street art, can be defined as a form of graphic art created freely in a public space or on the street. Originally, urban art is not paid and is certainly not a commission. It can be graffiti or a chalk drawing. But it can just as well be a collage, a projection video, an urban knit, a beautiful mural or an original colorful canvas placed in a beautiful golden frame.

It is still important to emphasize that currently, the use of the term "Street Art" is used to qualify paid orders for this type of work. Whether in public and/or private spaces, particularly in the context of various types of festivals, paintings with the characteristics of this artistic movement are all qualified as urban art.

Moreover, today, street art refers to murals, anamorphoses or installations made by artists and which are accomplished completely legally. To create the works, artists can use spray paint cans, make acrylic paint on canvas, collages, ceramics, PVC, pottery…

It should be noted that over time, the term "Street Art" has become a generic catch-all term in the minds of the general public. This is because it brings together, mostly in an imprecise and undifferentiated way, various plastic, graphic and visual practices. But at the same time, it is also a unique and separate graphic style. This is why we hear about art paintings, wallpaper, modern and contemporary canvases.

What is the origin of street art?

Street art is a contemporary artistic movement. It has greatly developed towards the end of the last century and is defined as the art of public places. It is therefore an artistic touch that is generally found in the streets and on the walls of our neighborhoods. It comes in various forms, and they do not always catch our attention. However, we must admit that street art often has some nice surprises in store.

The birth of street art

Street art began in Philadelphia with a few words of love written on walls and strange pseudonyms tagged in a public space. This art then colored the cities and quickly took on a global proportion.

Street art : quite a story

If you think that street art is something recent, then you are wrong! Indeed, it is a mode of expression that is not new.

Driven by the social protest movement that emerged from the Mexican Revolution of 1910, many large murals were created, drawing inspiration from popular and national sources. With their didactic themes of powerful works, sometimes baroque and expressionist, they were mainly intended for public buildings.In Russia, there are also propaganda frescoes invading the walls, a sign of the arrival of a new artistic era linked to political, economic and social protests and rebellion.

However, professionals agree that street art emerged in the United States in the 1980s. 1960. Moreover, one of the first urban art movements was launched by two artists from Philadelphia. : Cool Earl and Cornbread. This is called "Graffiti Writing". Very shy, Cornbread tirelessly writes on the walls of his neighborhood and his school the inscription "Cornbread loves Cynthia". Little by little, street art becomes democratized especially when the word "graffiti" is included in the dictionary of art brut. The recognition of art therefore takes shape little by little.

A few years later, the trend reached New York and everything then became a pretext to create and convey messages visible to all. : streets, sidewalks, subways, walls, public surfaces… and to bring masterpieces to life, artists use a multitude of techniques and materials : graffiti, stencils, posters, stickers, projections…

Street art : forbidden art

Towards the beginning of the movement, street art has always bordered on illegality. This is an aspect that cannot be neglected when talking about street art. Artists take risks to avoid being convicted of degrading public space. They practice their arts in secret to preserve the secret of their identity.

But we must not neglect that the street spirit is also about confronting, exchanging and spreading. The works are then accessible, even if they are sometimes ephemeral. No need to go to a museum or visit an art gallery to be able to appreciate them. We can find them on our way or perhaps at the crossroads of a street.

If New York is considered to be the birthplace of artistic streaks around the years 1980, Paris begins to be tagged everywhere in the years 1990. The subways are invaded by colorful drawings, graffiti and the streets are saturated by original and colorful frescoes. The capital of France thus sees thousands of urban works flourish on its buildings and in its streets, transforming public places into open-air art galleries. However, it is difficult to see the boundary between a work that aims to beautify a public space and a tag that invades it. But it is still important to emphasize that all forms of street art are far from being synonymous with vandalism and degradation. This is also what explains why street art is currently diversifying and even selling very expensively.

What is the goal of street art?

Street art is considered to be an artistic movement that allows the artist to convey a direct message to an audience even if the latter does not want it. This is why street art is considered a subversive mode of expression. The works are therefore open to a wide audience which allows not only to transmit a message, but also to bring a new look, often much more aesthetic, on cities. Urban art is then qualified as a libertarian and democratic artistic movement.

How do you recognize street art?

As we mentioned earlier, street art refers to a wide range of painting and engraving processes, generally affixed in an urban environment. Depending on the countries, the artists and the ideas that the artist wishes to convey, the techniques and practices used vary.

Apart from the techniques used, a street art painting or canvas can be recognized through the themes chosen by the author. You will not need to have an erudite culture or have in-depth knowledge of art and painting to understand the references of a street art painting. Generally, artists use images and symbols of our current society. The works are then easily identifiable if it highlights a character. Otherwise, if the painting does not show a specific character, the work is recognized with the colors, shapes and composition which are often imbued with humor or a sarcastic tone precisely to offend our ways of thinking and our habits. If classic works of art usually represent landscapes, animals or unidentifiable characters, this is not the case for street art paintings. Artists like to divert the most popular icons and they even use signatures on their canvases. This allows people who appreciate this art to recognize their works.

Apart from that, the creation of a street art painting is not subject to precise rules. Indeed, the artistic movement is aimed at artists who seek to free themselves from the rules, the injunctions of the world as well as the standards for the creation of an art painting or a decorative painting. A street art painting can therefore be painted without any constraints. You can therefore expect original, unique canvases imbued with protest and freedom of expression. The works are often very colorful and energetic, reflecting funny situations, or expressing messages with a political or social aim. This is why these paintings have a strong decorative value and are particularly appreciated in the world of interior decoration.

How to choose your street art painting to enhance your interior?

Very contemporary, aesthetic and daring, a street art painting is the perfect way to add a touch of originality to your interior decoration. But to enhance your interior, you will first need to define your interior decoration style. Indeed, it is necessary to face the facts, paintings Street art can be very different depending on the artist, and what the artist wants to highlight.

So, for your painting to fit perfectly into your interior, you must choose the one that matches the decoration style of your home. If, for example, you have opted for a refined and minimalist decoration, you can add a touch of originality and a touch of color with a colorful street art painting.

In addition to this, you can also create a unique, original and above all personal atmosphere to your interior decoration by choosing a street art painting. Do you like a particular artist? Why not choose one of his paintings to enhance your interior?

Apart from that, when choosing your street art painting, do not skimp on the quality of the canvas. Of course, street art paintings are often printed on canvas. You can then have a vintage effect if you wish. However, remember that having a quality canvas means having a very aesthetic and durable painting.

Finally, remember to choose a format that suits your space. Do you have a large white wall? You can choose an XXL street art canvas to add a touch of color and originality to your interior decoration. The paintings are generally available in different formats, it's up to you to select the format that will highlight your decoration.If you have a much smaller space, a small, colorful painting will highlight your personality.

Why choose a street art painting to enhance your interior?

Do you want to bring a touch of originality and modernity to your interior? The best solution is a street art painting. Unlike classic and traditional works, street art is distinguished by its ephemeral character, its social/political commitment and its urban nature. It will then certainly bring a touch of freshness and authenticity to your interior.

Apart from that, a street art painting reflects your personality and originality to any room of your choice. It reflects your taste, your personal interests and brings joy into your life thanks to its patterns and bright colors. You will then be able to create a particular atmosphere, or draw the attention of your visitors to certain aspects of daily life. It is also a great way to remind your visitors of the importance of creativity or simply that of freedom of expression.

Finally, it is important to note that street art paintings are available in a wide variety of sizes and styles. They are therefore accessible to all budgets. Whether you choose a big name canvas like Banksy, or you choose a canvas created by young local artists, you will certainly find something that suits you and that fits your budget.